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Gluten-Free Basics


What exactly is gluten?

Gluten is a protein found in certain grains, such as wheat, barley and rye, which can be found in foods like bread, pasta, cereals, cookies, and more. Some beverages, like beer and malt drinks, are also high in gluten. Gluten is used for culinary benefits like giving food their soft, chewy texture. It is considered to be a binder that holds food together, to give them shape, and in some instances, can add flavor.


Do we need gluten?

It has not been proven that gluten is a required ingredient in our daily nourishment, and is not a known element to pose a health risk if consumed, for those that can tolerate it. Gluten does provide whole grains, fiber, and other nutrients for a balanced diet.


Who benefits from removing gluten from their diet?

Those diagnosed with celiac disease would eliminate gluten from their diet. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease that when consuming gluten, will cause the body’s immune system to damage the small intestine, which reduces the ability to absorb proper nutrients.

A gluten-free diet helps manage symptoms of celiac disease and other medical conditions associated with gluten consumption. 


How to identify gluten in products?

It is difficult to identify gluten in products. Therefore, understanding the sources of gluten and the types of food in which they are found, is essential. Wheat-based products and malt-based ingredients typically contain gluten, for example. It is important to read labels on all food, prior to consuming.


 What are alternatives to gluten-containing foods?

When following a gluten-free diet, foods labeled as gluten-free is necessary to monitor.

The simplest way to avoid food with gluten in it, is to eat whole, natural foods. These foods are developed using grains like rice, quinoa, and corn, among others. Legumes, poultry, like chicken and turkey, red meat, including beef and lamb, and fresh seafood, like fish and shellfish are among those gluten-free proteins that can be consumed, however not all protein is gluten-free. For example, ground meat contains wheat-based fillers. When protein is combined with certain seasonings containing gluten, it should be avoided. Fruits and vegetables are naturally gluten-free, however gluten-containing ingredients might be added to processed fruits and vegetables. This is why it is important to check the label.


Gluten-free Accessibility

Due to advances in food technology, product enhancements, and packaging, gluten-free foods have become more available, while also improving upon flavor profiles. For example, certain gluten-containing ingredients are being replaced by a combination of complimentary ingredients that serve similar purposes. In baking, wheat flour might be replaced by chickpea flour.

 Rice, in its unprocessed and pure state, is gluten-free, and is an ideal supplement as a side dish. This includes different varieties, such as long-grain rice, like basmati and jasmine, as well as medium-grain, short-grain, whole grain, and wild rice.


Flavorful gluten-free meal options

Cafe Spice crafts convenient, ready to eat meals that are packed with bold, worldly flavors, and are certified gluten-free, verified by WFCF (Where Food Comes From). With ingredients like basmati rice and alternative flours, like chickpea flour, Cafe Spice offers several options that are safe for those avoiding gluten. Restaurant-quality meal selections like Chicken Curry, Vegetable Korma, or the Sofi Award winning Chicken Tikka Masala continue to be craveable staples in many households. Find them in the prepared food aisle of select retailers.

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