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AAPI Heritage


What is meant by AAPI?

AAPI or Asian American and Pacific Islanders are comprised of individuals with origins of the continent of Asia and the island nations who include Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Korean, Filipino, Vietnamese, Hawaiian, Indonesian and several other ancestries. There are over 70 different ethnic groups and over 100 languages spoken within the Asian American and Pacific Islander culture. It is one of the most rapidly growing groups in the country.


Why is Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage celebrated?

Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have made countless contributions to American culture and society. From building enterprises to discovering treatments for disorders, this group has provided significant support for the progression of the nation. Most notably, the transcontinental railroad, which was the continuous railroad line connecting the Eastern US with the Pacific coast, was completed by laborers who were predominantly Chinese immigrants.  Decades later, a Chinese American member of the congressional staff shared a poignant story about how her grandfather helped build the transcontinental railroad. Because of this, and many more accomplishments, the US government agreed it was necessary to recognize Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders for their involvement and influence over the nation, as well as provide this group with reverence to share their pride for their heritage. Congress proclaimed the first week of May to be AAPI Heritage Week, which was later expanded to the full month of May, in 1990.

AAPI Heritage Month is celebrated in May because it commemorates the immigration of the first Asians to the US in the month of May, almost 200 years ago, along with the completion of the transcontinental railroad, in May of 1869.


How do we celebrate AAPI Heritage Month?

Each year, AAPI Heritage Month is recognized by remembering the many achievements and historical triumphs that Asian American and Pacific Islanders have provided to the US. This may be recognized with festivals, sponsored activities, tributes and other events. Many advocacy groups have formed as resources to local communities in developing outreach programs for awareness, as well as celebrations.

As a South Asian-owned business, Cafe Spice, the food manufacturer producing ready-to-eat global cuisine, participates in sponsored activities each year, both at the store level, as well as in the community, through partnerships.

Cafe Spice pays homage to the culinary history of India through the authentic flavors in their delicious retail meals and provides convenience to Americans looking to simplify their busy lifestyle. Check out their full range of capabilities at  

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